How did a restaurant handle a negative review

Extremely unhappy because, as he initially claimed, a client left no tip, the owner of Boners BBQ in Atlanta decided to punish the customer by making vulgar posts on Facebook and Twitter.


It all started when Stephanie S and her husband went to celebrate his birthday at their nearby restaurant, for which they could use a $10 voucher.

When she returned home, she decided to write a negative review on Yelp, as she was not happy. However, as she later claimed, she left two $20 banknotes to pay the $30 bill (40 minus the coupon), leaving a $10 tip.

Just a day later, posts on social media appeared, with her photo, which insulted her (NOT WANTED !, "Stephanie S. left waitress 0.00 tip on a $40 tab after she received a discount. If you see this woman in your restaurant tell her to go outside and hide and go f- yourself! Yelp that b--… ") because, even though she had a coupon, she left a $0.00 tip (although that was probably the pretext).negative-review

These posts, which were later removed (although the damage had already been done), provoked negative reactions from users, who wondered how a business owner could treat a customer like that and how could he unashamedly disclosed personal data.

Later, the restaurant owner came out and apologized, attributing the incident to the "bad moment"…

John Protopapadakis

Icon Name John Protopapadakis is a marketing and customer service/complaint management expert. He has been an author, a professor, a consultant and a seminar instructor. As a keynote speaker his speeches are content-rich and motivational. facebook twitter linkedin rss

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