Avis "We Try Harder" Campaign: Turning Disadvantage into Advantage

The campaign "AVIS is only No.2 in car rentals. So, we try harder." is one of the most iconic campaigns not only because it achieved the goals of the advertiser, Avis in this case, but also because it was disruptive and unconventional. It was the first time that a company admitted that it is second and that it should try harder. In other words is should offer better service to steal customers from the big competitor, Hertz, the leader of the market. 


It was the first time that a disadvantage would turn into an advantage... It was the first time someone spoke the language of truth and honesty. It was a "sincere" campaign that spoke directly to the hearts of consumers, but also to their logic.

So, let's turn back time to 1962, when the new CEO of the car rental company Avis, Bob Townsend, asked the advertising agency to find a way to refresh the image and boost the sales of his struggling company. When the agency asked him if Avis is cheaper, has more rental locations, or more modern cars, the answer was always the same: "no." So what sets you apart, they asked. "Well," said Townsend, with a slight pause, "we try harder".


Bingo!!! With the help of copywriter Peggy Olson (who much later stated: "it was a campaign against the perception that you should boast about your advantages"), one of the most successful slogans globally was created, 'Avis Is Only No. 2, We Try Harder,' thanks to which Avis saw its sales increase by 28%.


Within just one year, the company had profits of $1.2 million, from losses of $3.2 million (it was losing money for 13 consecutive years), while the market share ratio of 61-29%, became 49-36% in just three years (it was only in 1966 that Hertz launched its own campaign) - the specific slogan stayed in use for half a century worldwide, until 2012.

Avis's print advertisement was supported by an extensive training program for its personnel, so that they could "try harder," e.g. to ensure that the tank is always full, and keep the cup holders and mirrors clean.

Related articles to read: ''Don't Buy This Jacket''. An unconventional ad by Patagonia{alertInfo}

John Protopapadakis

Icon Name John Protopapadakis is a marketing and customer service/complaint management expert. He has been an author, a professor, a consultant and a seminar instructor. As a keynote speaker his speeches are content-rich and motivational. facebook twitter linkedin rss

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