How to make customers feel valued

Regardless of which sector you operate in, there is always one thing that stays the same: every customer wants to feel valued. They want to feel that the company understands and appreciates the fact that they are its customers. If not, they will simply turn to the competition. To prevent this from happening, let's look at some practical ways to show them how important and special they are:

Thank them sincerely. Say this magical word: "thank you." Whether they made a constructive comment or a 5 star review, or have been with you from your early beginning, or referred you another client.

Show that you listen to them. Practice active listening. Listen to them carefully, write down their comments, complaints, and observations. Tell them about any changes made thanks to their feedback. Through active listening, you can anticipate their needs, even before they realize them themselves.


Approach them without the intention to sell. We are accustomed, when a business contacts us it's because they want to sell us something. Send them a greeting card, handwritten if possible, and say "thank you for choosing us." Built relationships.

Conduct satisfaction surveys. Send a brief survey to see if they were satisfied, if there is anything that needs improvement, if they have any suggestions. Follow up if you find that the customer is dissatisfied.

Respond promptly to comments, questions, and reviews. If they ask something (e.g., "when does the hotel open"), make a comment in response to one of your posts. Make sure to respond promptly and show that you are at their disposal.

Leverage complaints. Complaints are an opportunity to show your customers how good you are and that you will do everything to restore the relationship with them. It's your chance to excel and boost customer loyalty.

Reward loyal customers. Show that you appreciate their loyalty by offering them something (e.g., a gift, a discount). Try to make your gifts or services as personalized as possible (e.g., use their name at all times and remember their preferences).

A travel company decided to reward a VIP client of theirs for 20 years of collaboration. The company made a reservation for him at a European hotel for a serious legal case he had. Katie, the relationship manager, wanted to give him a sophisticated gift, not just a simple bottle of champagne or wine, which is usually given in such cases. Instead, she bought a pair of boxing gloves, which were placed in the room, accompanied by a note that said: "Knock them out!"

Show that you care. Ask the customer if his son did well on the exams and made it to the University, if the daughter recovered from the cold she had, if the husband - who had an interview - got the job. Show - not only with words but also with actions - that you care.

Educate them. Be passionate at telling them how that product works, what it does or how to better store or use it. Offer them "insider information", e.g. inform them about new arrivals or upcoming discounts. 

John Protopapadakis

Icon Name John Protopapadakis is a marketing and customer service/complaint management expert. He has been an author, a professor, a consultant and a seminar instructor. As a keynote speaker his speeches are content-rich and motivational. facebook twitter linkedin rss

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